Education isn’t something that you have to get inside of a building. It is also not necessary to open a book to learn. We have long been obsessed about classifying how one can receive an education and what qualifies as an education. Even though it is acknowledged that you learn from many different places most people only think of someone who goes to a University as educated.
Learning is something that should be valued no matter where you learn. Just because you get your education from the school of hard knocks, does not diminish the value of the lesson. Life experiences can prove to be some of the most valuable education that you gain in life. Why is it that we do not give it the credit it deserves? Why is it that people look down on someone with a street education as if their education is not considered legitimate.
The important thing is that people learn and evolve in life. Is it necessary to contain your education inside of four walls? For me the important this is to learn no matter where you learn or how you learn. If it is so important for someone to give an institutional name can’t we just find a name for the institution of life? If it is so important that we classify some ones education with a name? Maybe then we would be able to give it credibility. So the next time some one asks you can tell them yes I graduated for the school of life with a master in street education.